J Korean Diabetes.  2017 Mar;18(1):1-6. 10.4093/jkd.2017.18.1.1.

The Role of a Diabetologist in the New Era of Artificial Intelligence

  • 1Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea. drhopper@catholic.ac.kr


Artificial intelligence is expected to be applied to various fields in industry and is also introducing a new era in the field of medicine. Artificial intelligence, which is called machine learning or deep learning, analyzes big data, identifies patterns, and performs a task according to an analysis result or pattern. In the medical field, artificial intelligence could be used for such things as disease diagnosis, prediction of complications, or correction of user behavior using big digital data collected from many sources and populations across the world. For diabetes, various studies to predict glycemic response or diabetic complications or to calculate insulin dose are being carried out. In the new era of artificial intelligence, diabetologists need to use the new system to obtain information more actively, explain it to patients in more detail, and support them based on evidence and data.


Artificial intelligence; Big data; Diabetes; Diagnosis; Medicine; Prediction

MeSH Terms

Artificial Intelligence*
Diabetes Complications
Machine Learning



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