Upper gastrointestinal strictures : the results of balloon dilatation
- Balloon catheter dilatation of upper gastrointestinal strictures is an accepted mode of therapy. The authorsreport the balloon dilatation in 11 consecutive patients. The lesions treated included 10 benign strictures, and 1esophageal cancer. Esophageal balloons were ranged from 2mm in diameter, 4cm in length, to 30mm in diameter, 8cmin length. Inflation was held for from 30 to 60 seconds and then repeated two or three times during each session.The balloons were inflated to pressure of from 2 to 12 atmosheres. There were form 1 to 13 dilatations. Twoesophageal perforations wer occured in one esophagitis patient and other lye stricture patient. Two perforationswere not required any surgical repair. All dilatations were performed without anesthesia. All strictures wereresponded immediately to dilatation. Prolonged course of treatment were needed with chronic severe esophagitis.lye stricture, gastrojejunostomy with chemotherapy, as a result, all patients, except esophageal cancer, couldtake regular diet after balloon catheter dilatation. Balloon catheter dilatation of upper gastrointestinalstenosis was effective & safe. It should be considered before other methods of treatment applicable.