Korean J Anesthesiol.
1979 Sep;12(3):302-307.
Pulmonary Embolism after Surgery for Intestinal Obstruction
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Anesthesiology, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
- This is a case report of pulmonary embolism which occurred as a complication of mesenteric venous stasis with sepais. This 49 year old nun was operated upon for an obstructed intestine under general anesthesia with halothane and d-tubocurarine. She had a hystrectomy for myoma 2 years ago and has ailed for 6 days from this condition. The patient became dyspneic and cyanotic suddenly three hours after the surgery. The chest X-ray revealed three or four bilateral, rounded and moderately increased densities, and her ECG showed a large S wave in limb leads, P-pulmonare, and right ventricular strain pattern with right axis deviation. CPPV with 100% oxygen by the manual method improved the condition of the patient for about three hours, but tachycardia and a failing heart could not be corrected in site of digitalis, steroid, diuretics and heparinization. The patient died 11 hours after the operation.