J Korean Neurol Assoc.  2002 May;20(3):223-226.

Mean Platelet Component to Measure Platelet Activation in Ischemic Stroke: Preliminary Study

  • 1Department of Neurology, Konyang University Hospital, Korea. ycchoi@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Clinical Pathology, Konyang University Hospital, Korea.
  • 3Department of Neurology, Yongdong Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.


BACKGROUND: Abnormal platelet activation has been identified in several disorders characterizedby vascular patholo-gy including coronary artery disease, Alzheimer disease, myeloproliferative disorders, diabetes, preeclampsia, inflam-matory bowel disease and glomerular disease. Antiplatelet therapy has been valuable in the management of some of these conditions. The aim of this study is to verify usefulness of mean platelet component (MPC) concentration as a marker of thrombotic process in patients with cerebral infarction. Our hypothesis is that MPC as measured by the ADVIA(R) 120 hematology system is used to detect and monitor platelet activation associated with thrombotic process of ischemic stroke.
To study the existence of platelet activation at the onset of cerebral infarction, mean platelet concentration of platelets were measured daily during post-stroke 10 days. Thirty-four acute thrombotic cerebral infarction and seventeen age-matched healthy persons were selected for this study. To investigate the time course of the platelet MPC changes observed in stroke patients, the blood samplings for MPC measuring were done and analyzed on the ADVIA 120(R) system.
There was a statistically significant decrease in MPC concentration of the platelets at post-stroke 3rd to 7th day compared to the control group ( p < 0.05).
We conclude that a reduction of MPC as measured by the ADVIA 120(R) hematology system may be used to detect and monitor thrombotic process associated with platelet activation in ischemic stroke.


Mean platelet component(MPC); Stroke; Platelet activation

MeSH Terms

Alzheimer Disease
Blood Platelets*
Cerebral Infarction
Coronary Artery Disease
Myeloproliferative Disorders
Platelet Activation*
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