J Korean Soc Study Obes.
2004 Dec;13(4):248-260.
Analysis of Dietary Habit, Eating Disorder and Needs for Nutrition Education Programs by Weight Control Attempts Among Female College Students
- Affiliations
- 1Obesity Research Institute of Inje University, Korea. kadream@hanmail.net
- 2Department Home Economics Education Pae Chai University, Korea.
- 3Department Food and Nutrition, Seoul Women's University, Korea.
Recent studies of young adult women in Korea showed that their eating behaviors have been judged to be less than desirable, and there have been a few nutrition education programs for young adult women. This study was designed to investigate health related factors, eating disorder, source of nutrition information and needs of nutrition counselling among 225 university female by self-report using questionnaires during December 1998-January 1999. Data were analyzed by t-test, X(2)-test, correlation using SAS package. Results showed that subjects have undesirable eating behaviors(e.g. skipping meals, overeating, and snack or food intake just before go to bed). Fortynine percent of them have just attempted to lose weight without exercising regularly, even though they had normal or under-weight. This study shows the meaningful differences between two groups by weight control attempt in their dietary habit, eating disorder, needs of nutrition education program. The Eat-26 scores of both group are lower than diagnosis standard, and were related to dietary habit. This study strongly suggest that necessity of proper standard to establish eating disorder and nutritional program for college female in Korea.