J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2013 Dec;19(5):613-621.

The Relationship between Nursing Professionalism, Clinical Decision Making Abilities, and Job Performance in Advanced Practice Nurses

  • 1Pusan National University Hospital, Korea.
  • 2College of Nursing, Kosin University, Korea. cooler1978@kosin.ac.kr


To identify the extents of nursing professionalism, clinical decision making abilities and job performance of advanced practice nurses and investigate the relationship among the variables.
Participants, selected by a convenience sampling method, were 135 advanced practice nurses working in 4 tertiary care general hospitals in 'B' Metropolitan City and in 1 tertiary care general hospital in 'J' city. Data collection was done from January 15 to February 28, 2013 using self-reporting questionnaires.
The average score for nursing professionalism of study participants was 81.19+/-7.56. for clinical decision making abilities, 140.42+/-9.62 and for job performance, 102.54+/-10.30. These averages are relatively high. The relationship between the extent of nursing professionalism and the extent of clinical decision making abilities showed an intermediate level positive correlation (r=.45, p<.001). The relationship between the extent of nursing professionalism and the extent of job performance was also an intermediate level positive correlation (r=.42, p<.001). The extent of clinical decision making abilities and the extent of job performance was an intermediate level positive correlation (r=.41, p<.001).
Developing a program, which can improve nursing professionalism and clinical decision making abilities of nurse, is required to enhance their job performance.


Advanced practice nurses; Nursing professionalism; Clinical decision making abilities; Job performance

MeSH Terms

Data Collection
Decision Making*
Hospitals, General
Surveys and Questionnaires
Tertiary Healthcare


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