Korean J Health Promot.  2014 Mar;14(1):17-25. 10.15384/kjhp.2014.14.1.17.

Relationship of Unbalanced Diet and Eating Behavior between School Age Children and Their Mothers in Wonju Area

  • 1Nutrition Education Major, Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Education, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2Department of Food and Nutrition, Kyung Hee University College of Human Ecology, Seoul, Korea. jchung@khu.ac.kr


The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship of unbalanced diet habits and eating behaviors between school age children and their mothers.
From the Wonju area of Gangwon-do, 232 children and their mothers were recruited for this study. General characteristics, degree of unbalanced diet, eating behaviors, factors associated with food preferences, food preferences, and food intake frequencies were obtained through a questionnaire.
The degree of unbalanced diet habits were significantly correlated between school age children and their mothers. Children's eating behaviors were also highly affected by their mother's eating behaviors. Especially, the frequency of eating breakfast showed a significant correlation between children and mothers. Among the factors associated with food preferences, family eating habits, appetite, and emotions showed significant associations between girls and mothers. As for food preferences, preference for meat in children was not significantly associated with that in their mothers, whereas preference for perilla oil and butter was significantly associated with preference in their mothers. The relationship of food preferences between children and mothers differed according to the sex of the children. Further, the intake frequencies for most foods were highly correlated between children and mothers.
Our study showed that the unbalanced diet habits and eating behaviors of mothers can affect those in their children. Moreover, the correlations of food preferences between children and their mothers were different depending on the sex of the children. Our data suggest that educating mothers about their diet and eating behaviors could improve the eating practices of their children.


Unbalanced diet; Eating behavior; Food preference; Mothers; Child

MeSH Terms

Feeding Behavior*
Food Habits
Food Preferences
Surveys and Questionnaires

Cited by  2 articles

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