Korean J Community Nutr.  1997 May;2(2):206-217.

Analysis on Production Processes between Conventional and Commissary School Foodservice Systems in Kyunggi-do

  • 1Department of Food & Nutrition, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2Department of food & Nutritiona, Hanyang Women's college, Seoul, Korea.


This study was designed to analyze and compare production management practices and labor productivity between conventional and commissary school foodservices and 46 dietitians of commissary school foodservices in Kyunggi-do. The response rates were 89.7% and 91.3%, respectively. The number of meals served was ranged from less than 100 to over 1,900 in conventional school foodservices and from 200 to 1,600 in commissary foodservices. Thirty three conventional foodservices(42.3%) produced less than 300 meals per day. Numbers of satellite school per central kitchen were ranged from 1 to 5 schools ; fifty percent of commissary foodservices have contained 3 satellite schools. Meals for satellite schools were transported between 11:00 a.m.and 12:00 a.m ; transportation time was from 10 to 90 minutes. Waiting time before service in satellite schools was between 10 minutes and 80 minutes. Part time employees supported by parents were hired in 37.3% of conventional and 50% of commissary school foodservices. Voluntary workers were supplied for 64.9% of conventional and 52.4% of commissary school foodservices. Labor productivity was calculated from work schedule. Labor productivity(labor minutes per meal)was lowest in foodservices with 101-4-- meals(8.48 min)was lower than that of foodservices with above 401 meals ; no significant differences were found among 401-700(6.02 min), 701-1,100(4.01 min), 1,101-1,500(3.41 min), and 1,501-1,900(3.15 min)meals in conventional foodservices. Labor minutes per meal of foodservices which served less than 400 meals(6.90 min) per day was significantly lower than those of foodservices which served 401-1,900 meal(3.41-4.92 min) in commissary foodservices(p<0.05)


conventional and commissary school foodservice system; satellite school; work schedule; labor minutes per meal

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