Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
2006 Apr;39(4):310-316.
Quality of Life after Esophageal Surgery for Esophageal Surgery
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Gangneung Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea.
- 2Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea. sipark@amc.seoul.kr
BACKGROUND: We study the QOL (quality of life) and functional improvement in patients underwent esophageal surgery for cancer by the viewpoint of the patient and would like make the guideline of recovery course.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: Between Dec. 1996~Aug. 2002, 250 patients were operated and 57 patients was enable interview, didn't have evidence of recurrence and survived more than 1 year postoperatively at Asan Medical Center. Questionnaire made by direct or telephone interview and include diet habitus, change of body weight, G-E (gastroesophageal) reflux, dumping symptom, change of daily life.
RESULT: There were 53 men (93%), 4 women (7%) with mean age of 62.05+/-8.7 (range: 37~94). Operation method was Ivor Lewis operation in 43 case (75.4%), Esophagocolojejunostomy 4 case (7.1%), Mckeown operation 10 case (17.5%). In Diet habitus, 55 patients (96.5%) ate more than three times in a day with mean diet frequency was 3.5 times/day, 51 patients (89.5%) have been ate solid, regular diet, 5 patients (8.8%) enable to eat liquid diet. To compare with preoperative state, 32 patients (56.9%) had a diet speed more than 80%, 28 patients (39.1%) had a diet amount more than 80%. 32 patients (56.9%) had a little change of body weight within a 10%, 25 patients (43%) had a improvement rather than preoperative state. In G-E reflux, 4 patients (7%) had a reflux after every diet, 27 patients (47.4%) had a little reflux after diet. In dumping symptom. 7 patients (12.3%) had a diarrhea after meal. 38 patients (66.6%) had a normal activity 19 patients (33.3%) had a decreased activity. At present state, majority (53 patient-93%) of patient were satisfactory to the operation result, in spite of discomfort from time to time. In the emotional status, 50 patients (88%) had a well sleeping without disturbance. 65% of patients were comfortable in the psychology state. 39% of patients had a libido. Compare with their median age (63 y), it's a normal varient.
QOL in patients underwent esophageal surgery for esophageal cancer nearly recovery to preoperative state.