Korean J Nutr.  2010 Aug;43(4):413-423. 10.4163/kjn.2010.43.4.413.

Current Status and Improvements of Obesity Related Legislation

  • 1Health Promotion Research Division, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, Seoul 122-705, Korea. forsome@paran.com


Great attentions have been given to obesity in Korea, while the obesity rate has rapidly risen up due to various reasons including the dietary change into the western style. Central and local governments have tried to reduce the rate through various policies and action plans. The governments' activities are frequently criticised to be more coordinated in order to achieve the aim of the activities. The purpose of this study was to develop the coordination strategies through the examination of the acts relating to obesity. At present, activities relating to obesity are based on 25 acts including 'Health Promotion Act', 'Special Act on Children Diet Management' and so on. Six ministries including the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology are in charge of these acts. As a result, a number of areas, especially dietary guidance, research, manpower and institutions, seem to overlap. In a short term, Ministerial Council on Obesity should be established in order to enforce the coordination of the policies and activities. In the mid-long term, it is recommended that functions of the Ministries should be more simplified through the reorganization.


obesity; regulation; nutrition; physical education

MeSH Terms

Fees and Charges
Physical Education and Training


  • Fig. 1 Classification of acts for major areas.

Cited by  1 articles

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