Korean J Obstet Gynecol.
1998 Dec;41(12):3007-3015.
The Human Papillomavirus Types 16 and 18 Infection and Expression of p53 Protein in Adenocaecinoma of the Cervix
Although squamous cell carcinomas compose the majority of invasive cervical cancers, adenocarcinomas account for 10-20% of cervical cancers. Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 are strongly involved in the development of cervical neoplastic lesions squamous cell type. However, little is known about the association of HPV with adenocarcinoma because of its rarity, The p53 gene acts as a tumor suppressor and has been implicated in controlling cell cycle progression at the Gl-S transition, and absence or mutant of p53 gene is related to tumor progression. The present study was undertaken to identify clinical profiles, to characterize HPV infection status and p53 overexpression in the cervical adenocarcinoma and to investigate the prognostic significance of these findings. Thirty-six paraffin-embedded tumor tissues were obtained and patients clinical records were reviewed from tumor registry. Tissues were analyzed for the detection of HPV 16/1S by multiplex PCR and for the expression of p53 protein by immunohistochemical staining. Eighty-four percent of the cases were positive for HPV 16 and/or 18. HPV 16 positive rate was 36.1%, HPV 18 was 72.2%. The rate of double infection with HPV 16 and 18 was 25.0%. The p53 overexpression was detected in 11.1%. The overall 5 year-survival rate (YSR) was 72.2%. There were no significant difference in survival rate between HPV 18-positive and HPV 18-negative groups. The 5 YSR of the p53-positive group was 25.0% and that of p53-negative group was 78.1% (p=0.174). Inverse relationship between p53 overexpression and HPV DNA positivity was not found. In cervical adenocarcinoma, HPV type 18 was detected as the predo#minant type and may play a role in the carcinogenic process.