Korean J Med.
1997 Nov;53(5):709-713.
A Case of Left Atrial Myxomoa Presented as Pseudovasculitis
Left atrial myxoma is well-known mimicker of systemic vasculitis. In general, however, these patients showed some symptoms and signs of cardiovascular disease. We experienced a patient with left atrial myxoma who first presented as vasculitis without any symptoms and signs suggesting cardiovascular disorders. A 45 year-old lady showed tender skin nodules, livedo reticuiaris-like skin lesions, severe constitutional symptoms, multiple cerebral infarctions, and elevated ESR and globulin. Skin biopsy findings were thought to be consistent with polyarteritis nodosa. Echocardiography was performed as a routine test for evaluating suspected vasculitis patients and it revealed left atrial myxoma. However, we were not able to detect any auscultation abnormality, even after echocardiography, After echocardiography, we found the tumor emboli in skin biopy specimen with deeper section. This case demonstrated the importance of suspecting the possibility of left atrial myxoma when performing diagnostic work-up for vasculitis.