Korean J Community Nutr.  2009 Apr;14(2):147-157.

Survey of Cookie Consumption and Nutrition Labelling of Cookie Consumed in High School Students

  • 1Jowon High School, Suwon, Korea.
  • 2Department of Home Economics Education, Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk, Korea. youngnam@knue.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to find out the information on nutrition labeling and how many calories and nutrients the high school students consumed for 1 day from cookies. A total of 74 male and female high school students in Suwon were surveyed and 56 cookies that they consumed were examined. Background data were collected by questionnaire, cookie intake by 24-hr recall, and the calories and nutrients content in cookies and the amount of intake by nutrition information on the wrapping paper of cookie. The statistical analysis for the data was done by SPSS 12.0. Energy contents in 1 serving size of cookie were 90~315 kcal, average of 170 kcal. The protein contents were 0~7 g, fat 2~20 g, cholesterol 0~55 mg, and sodium 30~390 mg in 1 serving size of cookie. Most of the cookies (80%) examined contained no trans fat at all, which is desirable. Among the types of cookies, snacks contained higher quantities of calories and sodium, the pie contained more sugar and cholesterol, and the biscuit had more trans fat. One fourth of the cookies examined belonged to 'high calorie, low nutritious food' according to the criteria proposed by The Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs. Thus the excessive intake of cookies might result in nutritional imbalance. There were large differences in calorie intake among students, from zero who did not intake any cookies at all to maximum 818 kcal/day, an average of 75 kcal/day. When the students who did not intake cookies were excluded, energy 205 kcal. fat 10g, sodium 177mg were consumed from the cookie for a 1 day on average.


cookie; snack; pie; biscuit; nutrition information

MeSH Terms

Food Labeling
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