The efficacy of warming blanket on reducing intraoperative hypothermia in patients undergoing transurethral resection of bladder tumor under general anesthesia
Seongsoo Hong, Byung Hoon Yoo, Kye-Min Kim, Mun-Cheol Kim, Jun Heum Yon, and Sangseok Lee
Anesth Pain Med. 2016;11(4):404-409. doi: 10.17085/apm.2016.11.4.404.
Inadvertent thermal injury following knee arthroscopic surgery in a pediatric patient
Daegyu Kwon, Byung-Gun Kim, Chunwoo Yang, Jonghun Won, Yoonjung Kim
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2018;71(2):157-160. doi: 10.4097/kjae.2018.71.2.157.