J Korean Soc Echocardiogr.
2000 Dec;8(2):131-133.
Incidentally Found Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Apical Pseudoaneurysm
- Affiliations
- 1Cadiologu Division, Yonsei Cardiovasular Center, Seoul, Korea.
A 72-year-old man presented with incidentally found palpable abdominal mass of unknown duration. On admission, he had blood pressure of 120/80mmHg and pulse of 70 beats per minute. He consumed a pack of cigarettes per day for 45 years. He denied any prior chest pain episodes. The serum lipid profiles were within normal range. Electrocardiogram revealed sinus rhythm without ST-T wave change. Digital subtraction angiography revealed aneurysmal dilatation of both common iliac arteries to the proximal part of the external iliac arteries. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed normal left ventricular wall motion except a pseu-doaneurysm at the apex (Fig. 1). Color Doppler (Fig. 2) and intravenous contrast echocardiography (Fig. 3) showed free blood flow communication through the neck of the pseudoaneurysm. Coronary angiography revealed no significant luminal narrowing of coronary arteries. Left ventriculogram showed an aneurysm at the apex (Fig. 4). During the period of 8 months follow-up, the patient did not have any event or complain any symptom.