J Korean Neurosurg Soc.  1987 Dec;16(4):1123-1128.

Impedance on the Lesions and Parenchyma of the Brain: With Brain Stereotaxis

  • 1Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Taegu, Korea.


From Nov. 1986 to Sep. 1987, we operated 63 cases of intracerebral hemorrhage and brain tumor with B.R.W. stereotaxic method. Among them, the impedance was checked in 40 cases. Results are as followings. 1) In 89.3% of patients, the impedance of hematoma was 1.5 times higher than the mean cortical impedance, in 57.1% of patients it was 2 times higher, and in 32.1% of patients, it was 3 times higher. 2) In the relationship between impedance and nature of hematoma, the impedance of liquified hematoma was higher than clot. 3) In the relationship between impedance and glasgow coma scale, the impedance of patients who were below 9 in score was higher and who were above 10 in score was lower than the mean cortical impedance. 4) The impedance of the low density area surrounding the lesion was lower than the mean cortical impedance by 73%. 5) In the relationship between impedance of the hematoma lapsed over 12 hours was lower than hematoma before 12 hours. 6) In the impedance of the brain tumor, the impedance of the solid lesion was decreased to 85.7% and cystic lesion was decreased 48.3% of the cortical impedance.

MeSH Terms

Brain Neoplasms
Cerebral Hemorrhage
Electric Impedance*
Glasgow Coma Scale
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