J Adv Prosthodont.  2012 Nov;4(4):218-226. 10.4047/jap.2012.4.4.218.

Finite element modeling technique for predicting mechanical behaviors on mandible bone during mastication

  • 1Architectural Engineering Department, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. hskim3@ewha.ac.kr
  • 2Graduate School of Clinical Dentistry, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.


The purpose of this study was to propose finite element (FE) modeling methods for predicting stress distributions on teeth and mandible under chewing action.
For FE model generation, CT images of skull were translated into 3D FE models, and static analysis was performed considering linear material behaviors and nonlinear geometrical effect. To find out proper boundary and loading conditions, parametric studies were performed with various areas and directions of restraints and loading. The loading directions are prescribed to be same as direction of masseter muscle, which was referred from anatomy chart and CT image. From the analysis, strain and stress distributions of teeth and mandible were obtained and compared with experimental data for model validation.
As a result of FE analysis, the optimized boundary condition was chosen such that 8 teeth were fixed in all directions and condyloid process was fixed in all directions except for forward and backward directions. Also, fixing a part of mandible in a lateral direction, where medial pterygoid muscle was attached, gave the more proper analytical results. Loading was prescribed in a same direction as masseter muscle. The tendency of strain distributions between the teeth predicted from the proposed model were compared with experimental results and showed good agreements.
This study proposes cost efficient FE modeling method for predicting stress distributions on teeth and mandible under chewing action. The proposed modeling method is validated with experimental data and can further be used to evaluate structural safety of dental prosthesis.


Mandible; Stress distribution; Mastication; Finite element analysis

MeSH Terms

Dental Prosthesis
Finite Element Analysis
Masseter Muscle
Pterygoid Muscles
Sprains and Strains


  • Fig. 1 Process for 3D model generation using CT images. A: CT image editing process, B: 3D model generated from CT images.

  • Fig. 2 3D finite element model.

  • Fig. 3 FE models with various restraint conditions. A: B1, B: B2, C: B3, D: B4, E: B5, F: B6 (Arrows denote restrained directions).

  • Fig. 4 FE models with various loading conditions. A: L1, B: L2, C: L3, D: L4 (Dots and arrows denote directions of loading and loaded area, respectively).

  • Fig. 5 Test setup with strain gages. A: Details of setup, B: The whole view.

  • Fig. 6 Tooth numbering.

  • Fig. 7 Strain distributions on teeth according to boundary and load conditions. A: L1B1, B: L1B2, C: L1B3, D: L2B3, E: L3B3, F: L4B3, G: L1B4, H:. L2B4, I:. L2B5, J: L2B6.

  • Fig. 8 Test results of teeth strains.

  • Fig. 9 3D Von Mises stress contour of the L2B6 model.


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