J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  1996 Jan;37(1):78-85.

P100 Latency in Normal Persons by Pattern Reversal VEP and Flash VEP

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Chosun University Hospital, Kwangju, Korea.


The Flash Light Emitted Diode Flash Visual Evoked Potential(Flash VEP) is useful when patients are unable to cooperate sufficiently for a Pattern Reversal Visual Evoked Potential(RP-VEP). In order to evaluate the clinical utility of Flash VEP, we performed the PR-VEP and Flash VEP in 208 eyes of 104 normal persons. The average P100 latency(LaP100) was analyzed according to check size, age, sex, and the laterality of the eye. The LaP100 of PR-VEP stimulated with 8 X 8(120' X 96'), 16 X 16(60' X 48'), 32 X 32 (30' X 24') and 64 X 64(15' X 12') check size were 98.88 +/- 7.57msec(mean S.D msec) , 97.68 +/- 7.44msec, 96.31 +/- 7.21msec, 101.20 +/- 7.81msec, respectively. The LaP100 of PR-VEP stimulated with 32 X 32 check size at 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th decades were 93.95 +/- 5.61msec, 94.70 +/- 7.71msec, 92.92 +/- 6.28msec, 97.78 +/- 6.24 msec, 102.79 +/- 5.27msec, respectively. The LaP100 of PR-VEP remained relatively stable until over 6th decade when it increased significantly (p<0.05). The LaP100 of FlashVEP in age of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th decade were 87.08 +/- 7.82msec, 91.07 +/- 8.46msec, 99.37 +/- 6.36msec, 105.30 +/- 7.82msec, and 111.62 +/- 5.54msec, respectively. The LaP100 of Flash YEP increased progressively with aging changes(p<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between the left and right eyes(p>0.05), and between male and female(p>0.05) in the LaP100 of both VEP. These results showed that LaP100 of PR-VEP changes according to the check size and patient's age. We should interprete the LaP100 of PR-VEP or Flash VEP after the processing of averaging its P100 according to the patient's.


Aging change; Average P100 latency(LaP100); Check size; Flash VEP; PR-VEP

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