J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  1995 Jul;36(7):1105-1110.

A Study on The Corneal Toxicity of Perfluorocarbon Liquid in The Rabbit Eye

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul, Korea.


Perfluorocarbon liquids(PFCL) have been used as an intraoperative tool for repair of complicated retinal detachment with improving surgical results. However, little is known about the potential toxic effect of PFCL that remain in the eye after surgery to anterior segment tissue. In this study we evaluated the effect of this substance on the corneal tissue. Eight rabbits underwent injection of 50 micro l of perfluorodecalin in the anterior chamber of the right eyes. The left eyes were injected with the same amount of balanced salt solution(BSS) as a control. The clinical appearance of the eyes were recorded at three days, one week and two weeks after injection, and histological examination was done two weeks after injection. The differences of intraocular pressure(IOP) between the right and left eyes were not statistically significant at three days, one week and two weeks after injection, and all of right eyes showed inferior bulbar counctival injection for same periods. In the histological examination of cornea exposed to PFCL, the number and the height of endothelial cells were reduced and decreased, respectively. These findings suggested that PFCL may have a toxic effect on the corneal endothelial cells.


Cornea; Perfluorocarbon liquids(PFCL); Rabbit; Toxicity

MeSH Terms

Anterior Chamber
Endothelial Cells
Retinal Detachment
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