J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg.  1999 Jul;26(4):696-701.

The Antivasospasmic Effect of Arterial Freezing on Acute Damaged Endothelium


During the microsurgery or during the postoperative period, the occurrence of the vascular spasm increases the failure rate of microvascular anastomosis,and in cases of trauma, the thrombogenic possibility is increased by the endothelial damage. The author thought that the vascular freezing of crushed vessels could improve the patency rate of microvascular anastomosis. Vascular freezing destroys most of the cells in the intima and media. There by causing degeneration of adrenergic fibers. Even though regeneration occurs after 2-3 weeks, regeneration in the smooth muscle layer is still incomplete. So vascular freezing has beneficial effects on relief of vasospasm. Fifteen Sprague-Dawley rats weighing approximately 300 g each were inflicted with crushing injury on the femoral arteries of the right side and the crushing injury with vascular freezing on the femoral arteries of the left side. The gross and histologic findings, as well as the patency rates, were observed at the postoperative 2nd, 10th, and 30th day,and the results were compared between the crushed and crush-freezing groups. The left side (crush-freezing group) showed less vasospasm and less thrombogenesis than the right side (crushed group). There were no significant differences in the patency rate between the crushed group and crush-freezing group. Vascular freezing is suggested to be effective on a potentially thrombogenic, endothelial damaged vessel as a prophylactic treatment method against vasospasm. Clinical application of vascular freezing awaits further experimentation.

MeSH Terms

Adrenergic Fibers
Femoral Artery
Muscle, Smooth
Postoperative Period
Rats, Sprague-Dawley
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