J Korean Surg Soc.  1999 Dec;57(6):789-796.

Exchange-donor Program in Renal Transplantation: A single center experience

  • 1Hanyang University Hospital, Transplantation Center.


BACKGROUND: A shortage of kidney donors has produced a progressively increasing gap between the supply of cadaveric kidneys and the demand for cadaveric transplants. Thus, efforts to expand the donor pool have included the use of the living related and unrelated kidney donors in Korea. In certain countries like ours, cadaveric kidney sources are very limited for various reasons, therefore, the living kidney donors have been a major source for uremic patients in our hospital. We propose a new program for donation, in which is an exchange-donor program. It is a program in which the donation is not commercial, but voluntary, thus overcoming the shortage of cadaveric donors, and giving the opportunity for transplant to as many uremic patients as possible.
Between Jan. 1991 and Dec. 1997, 411 living-donor renal transplants were performed in our hospital. Of those, 61 patients received grafts from exchange donors. We compared the graft survival rate of the exchange-donor transplantations with that of the living related donor transplantations based on the recipient's age and sex, the donor's age and sex, human leukocyte antigens (HLA) mismatching, and the frequency of acute rejection.
Fifty-nine (59) of 61 patients were still alive in Dec. 1997, with a median follow-up of 31 months (6-76 months), and the mean serum creatinine level was 1.64 mg/dL. The graft survival rates of the exchange-donor renal transplantations at 1 and 5 years were 92.12% and 80.27%, respectively, and there were no significant differences compared with those of the living related renal transplantations (p=0.1424). The graft survival rates at 1 and 5 years were 93.75% and 81.25%, respectively, for those with more than one HLA-haploidentical pair, and 91.89% and 78.76% for those with less than a one-haplotype match, respectively. The frequency of acute rejection was 37.7% in the exchange-donor group. The renal function of the exchange donors after the donation was not altered, and the postoperative complication rate was 1.6%.
The results show that the graft survival rates of the exchange-donor program were similar to those of the living related renal transplantations, and that the good graft survival rates for the exchange-donor group could not be attributed to better HLA matching. We propose an exchange-donor program that will be able to expand the donor pool and overcome the shortage of cadaveric organ donors.


Exchange-donor program; Graft survival rate; Living related donor

MeSH Terms

Follow-Up Studies
Graft Survival
HLA Antigens
Kidney Transplantation*
Postoperative Complications
Tissue Donors
HLA Antigens
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