Korean J Anat.  1999 Oct;32(5):673-684.

Synaptic connectivity and ultrastructrue of the masseteric muscle spindle afferent trigeminals according to geometric location in the trigeminal motor nucleus of the cat

  • 1Department of Oral Anatomy, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook University, Korea.
  • 2Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook UniversityFatima Hospital, Korea.
  • 3Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Fatima Hospital, Taegu, Korea.


The purpose of this study was to investigate any relationship between the geometric factors of synaptic contacts of muscle spindle afferent terminals and masseteric motor neurons in the trigeminal motor nucleus. Terminals from the masseteric muscle spindle afferents were stained with intra-axonal injection of HRP and were examined electronmi-croscopically with serial sections at the central and peripheral regions of trigeminal motor nucleus of the cat. The number of terminals examined were 76 in peripheral and 105 in central region. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Most of the labeled terminals showed simple synaptic connectivity. Each terminals in peripheral and central region made synaptic contact with 1 to 5 neuronal profiles. Two or three labeled terminals were occasionally seen to make synaptic contact with the same dendrite. 2. The average number of postsynaptic proximal dendrite per labeled terminal was higher in the central region than in the peripheral region. In contrast, that of postsynaptic distal dendrite per labeled terminal was higher in the peripheral region than in the central region. 3. The average diameter of postsynaptic dendrites in the central region was larger than that in the peripheral region. This imply terminals in the peripheral region contacted with further distal part of the distal dendrite than that in the central region. These results indicate that synaptic connectivity associated with the spindle afferents from masseteric muscle is different according to their geometric location within the trigeminal motor nucleus and suggest that there will be precise interrelationship between the morphology, pattern of synaptic connectivity and functions of muscle spindle afferents.


ultrastructure; synaptic connection; spindle afferent; trigeminal motor nucleus

MeSH Terms

Motor Neurons
Muscle Spindles*
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