Korean J Dermatol.
1994 Nov;32(6):1127-1130.
A Case of Hemosiderosis due to Multiple Transfusion
- Hemosiderosis is a disorder characterized by deposits of hemosicerin in multiple organs without organ dysfunction or injury. The color of the skin becomes brown, espeially on sun exposured areas. Mucous mernbranes are also affected in up to 5-25% of cases. A 43-year-old woman visited our clinic due to generalized brown colotation of her skin, including conjunct we and oral mucous mernbrane which she had had for 10 months. She had been treated with multiple he nodialysis combined with periodic transfusion for renal failure 3 times a month during the last 5 yeadrs Her plasma ferrit in level was elevated markedly and TIBC decreased, but cortisol and ACTH levels were within normal limits, Histopathologic findings of the neck skin showed hyperpigmentation of basal layer and deposition of brown pigment wrthin and around the sweat glands. In Fontana-Masson stain, the lower epidermis showed a massive deposition of melanin. Prussian blue stain revealei hemosiderin within snd around, the sweat glands. Hemosiderin could also be noticed on specirnens of thliver biopsy. The patient improved progressively after the rstriction of trasnfusion and treatment of renal failure.