Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc.  1992 Mar;3(1):48-60.

The Prognostic Significance of the Half-life Serum CA 125 During Therapy in Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma


Twenty-eight patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma were serially monitored with the CA 125 antigenic determinant to assess the prognost,ic significance of the half-life of serum CA 125 during therapy. The end points of the analysis were clinically and surgically free of disease after completion of cytoreductive chemotherapy and 3 year actuarial survival. latients with postoperative residual tumor of <- 2 cm and a serum CA 125 half-life of < 20 days had a significantly higher response rate to chemotherapy, as compared to far patients with postoperative residual tumor > 2 cm and a half-life of more than 20 days(86% vs 0%), The elinical remission rate was 73% or 20% for patients with a serum CA 125 half-life of < 20 or 40 days. However, the chance of achieving clinically and surginlly free of disease was 53% or 20 % respectiveiy for patients with a serum CA 125 half-life of < 20 or > 40 days. Among l4 patients who were clinically and surgically free of disease after completion of cytoreductive ehemotherapy. 13(93%) patients had a serum CA 125 half-life of < 20 days and stayed low level. A CA 125 half-life of < 20 days or > 40 days appears to identify patients with a good or poor prognnsis, the three-year actuarial survival being 63% and 0% respectively. Therefore, the half-life of serum CA 125 during treatment appears to be critical prognostir, predictor of response to therapy. It is highly suggested that those patients with a half-life < 20 days have a good chance of acheiving a complete response and a prolonged progression-free surviv1, whereas those with raised CA 125 or any with a CA 125 half-life > 40 days after two or three courses of treatment should have their treatment modified since they would appear to hsve a very poor prognosis.

MeSH Terms

CA-125 Antigen
Drug Therapy
Neoplasm, Residual
CA-125 Antigen
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