J Korean Acad Oral Maxillofac Radiol.  1997 Feb;27(1):17-24.

Comparison of digitized radiographic alveolar features with age

  • 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial radiology, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University, Korea.


The purpose of the present stydy was to use digital profile image features and digital imge analysis of fixed-dime nsion bone regions, extracted from standardized periapical radiographs of the maxilla, to determine whether differences exist in alveolar bone of younger women(mean age: 59.23+/-7.34 years) and just menopaused women(mean age: 59.23+/-7.34), Periapical films were used from two groups of 20 randomly selected women. None of the subjects had a remarkabel medical history. To simplify protocal, we chose one interproximal bone area between the maxillary right canine and lateral inci sor for study. Each film was digitized into a 1312X1024 pixelX8 bit depth matrix by means of a Nikon 35 mm film scanner(LS-3510AF, Japan) with fixed gain and internal dark current correction to maintain constant illumination. The scanner was interfaced to a Macintosh LC III computer(Apple Computer, Charlotte, N.C.). Area and profile orientation were selecte d with a NIMH Image 1.37(NIH Research Services Brach, Bethesda, Md.). Histogram features were extracted form each profil e and area. The results of this study indicate that mean pixel intensities didn't differ significantly between two group s and there was a high correlation-coefficient between digitized radiographic profile features and area features.

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National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.)
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