Korean J Dermatol.
1995 Apr;33(2):353-357.
Cutaneous Overlap Syndrome
- We report two cases of cutaneous oveilap syndrome in a 30-year-old woman and a 63-year-old woman. Histologically two cases showed characteristic findings of morphea and LE simultaneously in the same lesion. In case 1, direct immunofluoieence findings showed granular deposits of IgM, IgG, IgA along the dermoepidermal junction and antinuclear antibody test showed 1:80 positive finding. 1n case 2, direct immunofluoreaene findings were negative, but histopathologic findings showed distinct hydropic degeneration of the cell layer and thickening of basement membrane zone with the characteristic findings of morch. For the treatment, oral prednisolone(10mg/day), intralesicna triamcinolone injection and hydroxychloroquine(200rng/day), intralesional triamcinolone injection were performed respectively, but both two cases were not much improved.