Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
2000 Apr;33(4):277-284.
The Effect of Platelet Derived Growth Factor on the Myocardial Revascularization
in Implantation of Rabbit Internal Mammary Artery
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
- 2Department of plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
BACKGROUND: Coronary artery bypases grafting in the old aged is associated with high
mortality and morbidity, and it is difficult to perform if the coronary artery is diffusely
disease. Recently it has been known that platelet derived growth factor(PDGF), especially
PDGF-BB, stimulates angiogenesis.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: New Zealand white rabbit were used. In an attempt to achieve effevtive
cardiac revasculatrization without vascular anastmosis, we divided into three groups(group I :
Left anterior descending artery(LAD) was occluded by ligature, group II : Bilateral internal
mammary vascular pedicles were dissected and implanted into myocardium,
group III : The vascular pedicles were implanted into myocardium and PDGF-BB was injected
into the myocardial tissue). Two weeks after IMA implantation, the proximal region of
implanted LAD was ligated. Four days after LAD ligation angiogram, triphenyl tetrazolium
chloride(TTD) staining and hematoxylin eosin staining were performed.
RESULT: 1. Survival rate in group II was significantly higher than that in group I
(P<0.05), and survival rate in group III was signficantly higher than that in
group II(53% vs 93%, P<0.01). 2. There were significant differences in the ratio of area
of necrosis to area at risk between group I and group II, and between group II and
group III (P<0.01). 3. Microangiogram for angiogenic response revealed wide area of
extensive revascularization with patent vessels in group III. 4. Histologic findings of
three groups showed that polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration was minimal in group II
and none in group III.
PDGF-BB can establish functinal cardiac revasculatization through systemic
vessels implanted directly into the myocardium.