Korean J Dermatol.
1995 Jun;33(3):526-533.
A Case of Reiter' s syndrome
- Reiters syndrome is classically described as the triad of urethritis, coijuctivitis, and arthritis along with the skin manifestation. of keratodermia blenorrhagica, circinate b lanitis and oral ulcetation. Since arthritis is now recognized as the only consistent component, iricr nplete forms consisting of characteristic arthritis associeited with one or more of these features and of dysentery are common, We reported a 48-year-old male who presented with a 3 years histor of significant arthralgia and psoriasiforrn skin involvemeni. He had neither an episode of dysentery not, history of sexual exposure before the onset of symptomes. Showed a correlation with the HLAB 7 tialotype. C-reactive protein levels were significantly elevated. He was treared with corticosteroid, pcycline, methotrexate and indomethacin for about 3 months resulting favorable improvement.