J Korean Pediatr Soc.
1982 Feb;25(2):129-135.
Psychologic Disorders Among Pediatric In Patients
- Affiliations
- 1DepartMent of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
The clinical records of fourty-one children with psychologic disorders who were admitted to Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital from July 1976 to June 1981 were analysed.
The results were as follows:
1. The patients consisted of 21 boys and 20 girls.
2. According to the order of birth, the first born and only child accounted for 43.8% of total children with psychogenic problem.
3. Adbominal pain was the most common somatic complaint among 41 children c psychosocial problem.
4. There were various organic lesions suspected on admission.
5. During hospitalization, many studies other than routine laboratory examination were performed and consultations to other specialities were requested.
6. Parent-child interation such as overprotection, oversolicitude, overrestriction(prohibition), overindulgence, and confliction parental attitude was the most common etiologic (psychogenic) factors in cases of children with psychogenic problem.
7. Diagnostic clues most frequently obtained were progression(31.7%) which was not deteriorationg and recurrent or occurring frequently only at time of stress.
8. Conversion reaction was the most common final diagnosis among 41 children with psychogenic problem.