Korean J Dermatol.
1992 Feb;30(1):131-134.
A case of porokeratosis induced by topical PUVA in a vitiligo patient
- A 20-year-old female, who had been treated with topical PUVA therapy for her vitiligo, developed characteristic skin lesions of disseminated superficial artiric porokeratosis(DSAP). All of her three sisters had vitiligo and had been treated with topica PUVA, hut only one developed DSAP lesion. Her mother had had DSAP lesions on expcsec areas for 20 years. DSAP shows an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, and is charaterized by multiple ciark brownish keratotic papaules surrounded by slightly elevatied order. The exacerbation of the lesion by exposure t.o UV lignt indicates that the regulatingene for DSAP is related to sunlight. 1-lerein we reported a case of DSAP induced by topica] PUVA therapy in one patient during management of familial vitiligo in 3 sisters.