J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  1980 Sep;21(3):229-233.

A Review of Color Deficiency Among the Applicants for Driver License

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul, Korea.


The author surveyed on the 100 color blindness applicants among 7080 applicants for driver license with use of the Ishihara plate, and they were analysed with 6 kinds of test including Ishihara-Okuma's, Tokyo Medical College's, H-R-R'S, Hahn's, Farnsworth's Panel D-15 test, Hahn's Double 15-Hue test. The results are obtained as follows: 1. Frequencies as to types of defect (protan, deutan) given by the summarized final result were protan 19%, deutan 65%, unclassified 16%. The most frequent type of color defect was deutan. 2. Estimates extent of defect (mild, medium, strong) as given by the summarized final result were mild (Grade 1) 34%, medium (Grade 2) 29%, strong (Grade 3) 37%. 3. The complete coincidence between the summarized final result and the results of 6 kinds of test were Ishihara-Okuma's 47%. T.M.C.'s 48%, H-R-R's 40%, Hahn's 45%, Panel D-15 49%, and Double 15-Hue 55%. 4. The approximate coincidences within +/-1 in grade were Ishihara-Okuma's 66%, T.M.C.'s 63%. H-R-R's 71%, Hahn's 68%, Panel D-15 67%, Double 15-Hue 72%. 5. Estimating of protan, Double 15-Hue test and Panel D-15 test were most effective tests, and of deutan, H-R-R, T.M.C., and Hahan's tests were most effective tests. The 65 percents effectiveness in screening out the applicants with use of Ishihara's plates showed a requirement of two or more test plates for measuring the degree of color deficiency; i.e. one of Double 15-Hue test and Panel D-15 test and one of H-R-R. T.M.C., and Hahn's pesudoisochromatic tests.

MeSH Terms

Color Vision Defects
Mass Screening
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