J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol.
1999 May;3(1):57-63.
A study of diagnostic significance of simultaneous examination of proteinurla and hematuria in the urinary mass screening
Proliferative fasciitis is a benign pseudosarcomatous mesenchymal lesion occurring in the subcutis. The lesion occurs clinically as a tumorous mass that develops within a rather short time in elderly patients. We recently experiecened a case of fine needle aspiration cytology of proliferative fasciitis in the left anterior chest wall of a 72 year-old male patient. The smear revealed two types of cells. One was the large and mostly oval cell with one or two nuclei lying at the periphery of the cell body and abundant basophilic cytoplasm like the ganglion cell. The nuclei were round to oval, had vesicular chromatin and contained prominent nucleoli. The other was the spindle shaped fibroblast with an oval nucleus. The differential diagnosis includes a true tumor such as ganglioneuroma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and liposarcoma and therefore fine needle aspiration cytology is very much indicated in order to exclude these possibilities.