J Gynecol Oncol.  2024 Mar;35(2):e20. 10.3802/jgo.2024.35.e20.

Cervical screening among Chinese females in the era of HPV vaccination: a population-based survey on screening uptake and regular screening following an 18-year organized screening program

  • 1WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control, School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
  • 2Laboratory of Data Discovery for Health (D24H), Hong Kong, China


China has a substantial disease burden of cervical cancer. To further understand preventive measures for reducing cervical cancer in China, this study aimed to correlate screening attendance and regular screening with human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among Chinese females.
This prospective questionnaire-based survey recruited Chinese females aged 25 or above in Hong Kong by random digit dialing telephone interviews in 2022. The survey studied women’s practice of cervical screening and adherence to regular screening. Variables including HPV vaccination status and attendance of physical check-ups were involved in the questionnaire. Screening uptake and screening adherence were the main outcomes, which were measured as the proportion of women who reported having attended a cervical screening and screened regularly, respectively.
Out of 906 valid respondents, the reported cervical screening uptake was over 70% among females aged 30 or above and particularly over 80% among women aged 35–59; however, the uptake was only 46% among those aged 25–29. Adherence to regular screening was 50%–60% across ages 25–59 years and dropped to approximately 40% for women older than 60 years. Both screening uptake and adherence were associated with HPV vaccination, with adjusted odds ratios of 2.37 and 2.23, respectively. A large proportion of regularly screened women may be overscreened for screening more frequently than recommended.
Responded Chinese females showed good cervical screening uptake but were moderately adherent to regular screening. Policymakers should emphasize the importance of regular screening and the recommended screening frequency by HPV vaccination status for better healthcare resource use.


Cervical Cancer; Screening; Vaccination; Human Papillomavirus Viruses; Chinese
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