J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci.  2024 Aug;40(3):149-158. 10.14368/jdras.2024.40.3.149.

Effect of fabrication method and surface polishing on the surface roughness and microbial adhesion of provisional restoration

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University, Iksan, Republic of Korea


This study aims to investigate the effects of provisional restoration fabrication methods and surface polishing on surface roughness and microbial adhesion through in vitro experiments.
Materials and Methods
120 cylindrical provisional restoration resin blocks (10 × 10 × 2.5 mm) were manufactured according to four fabrication methods, and 30 specimens were assigned to each group. Afterwards, they were divided into non-polishing group, #400 grit SiC polishing group, and #800 grit SiC polishing group and polished to a 10 × 10 × 2 mm specimen size (n = 10). The surface roughness Ra and Ry of the specimen was measured using a Surface Roughness Tester. Three specimens were extracted from each group and were coated with artificial saliva, and then Streptococcus mutans were cultured on the specimens at 37°C for 4 hours. The cultured specimens were fixed to fixatives and photographed using a scanning electron microscope. For statistical analysis, the two way of ANOVA was performed for surface roughness Ra and Ry, respectively, and the surface roughness was tested post-mortem with a Scheffe test.
The fabrication method and the degree of surface polishing of the provisional restorations had a significant effect on both surface roughness Ra and Ry, and had an interaction effect. There was no significant difference in Ra and Ry values in all polishing groups in DLP and LCD groups.
The fabrication method and surface polishing of the provisional restoration had a significant effect on surface roughness and showed different adhesion patterns for S. mutans adhesion.


temporary dental restoration; CAD-CAM; 3D printing; milling; surface roughness; bacterial adhesions


  • Fig. 1 Resin block group NP, #400, #800 polished with SiC paper.

  • Fig. 2 Effects of Fabrication method and polishing on average surface roughness (Ra) and maximum peak to valley roughness height (Ry). Different uppercase letters denote statistical differences among materials.

  • Fig. 3 SEM evaluation of bacterial adhesion on NP group resin surface at ×4000 level. (A) Conventional, (B) Milling, (C) DLP, (D) LCD.

  • Fig. 4 SEM evaluation of bacterial adhesion on #400 group resin surface at ×4000 level. (A) Conventional, (B) Milling, (C) DLP, (D) LCD.

  • Fig. 5 SEM evaluation of bacterial adhesion on #800 group resin surface at ×4000 level. (A) Conventional, (B) Milling, (C) DLP, (D) LCD.



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