J Periodontal Implant Sci.  2022 Aug;52(4):298-311. 10.5051/jpis.2105780289.

Periodontal granulation tissue preservation in surgical periodontal disease treatment: a pilot prospective cohort study

  • 1Private Practice, Murcia, Spain
  • 2Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain


The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of periodontal granulation tissue preservation (PGTP) in access flap periodontal surgery.
Twenty patients (stage III–IV periodontitis) with 42 deep periodontal pockets that did not resolve after non-surgical treatment were consecutively recruited. Access flap periodontal surgery was modified using PGTP. The clinical periodontal parameters were evaluated at 9 months. The differences in the amount of granulation tissue width (GTw) preserved were evaluated and the influence of smoking was analyzed.
GTw >1 mm was observed in 97.6% of interproximal defects, and the granulation tissue extended above the bone peak in 71.4% of defects. At 9 months, probing pocket depth reduction (4.33±1.43 mm) and clinical attachment gain (CAG; 4.10±1.75 mm) were statistically significant (P<0.001). The residual probing depth was 3.2±0.89 mm. When GTw extended above the interproximal bone peak (i.e., the interproximal supra-alveolar granulation tissue thickness [iSUPRA-GT] was greater than 0 mm), a significant CAG was recorded in the supra-alveolar component (1.67±1.32 mm, P<0.001). Interproximal gingival recession (iGR) was significant (P<0.05) only in smokers, with a reduction in the interdental papillary tissue height of 0.93±0.76 mm. In non-smokers, there was no increase in the iGR when the iSUPRA-GT was >0 mm. The clinical results in smokers were significantly worse.
PGTP was used to modify access flap periodontal surgery by preserving affected tissues with the potential for recovery. The results show that preserving periodontal granulation tissue is an effective and conservative procedure in the surgical treatment of periodontal disease.


Bone regeneration; Granulation tissue; Microsurgery; Periodontitis
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