J Periodontal Implant Sci.  2023 Jun;53(3):173-183. 10.5051/jpis.2202580129.

Clinical evaluation of Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure ® (LANAP ® ) surgical treatment of chronic periodontitis: a retrospective case series of 1-year results in 22 consecutive patients

  • 1Advanced Periodontal Therapies, Department of Surgical Dentistry, University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine, Anschutz Medical Center, Aurora, CO, USA


Treatment for periodontitis has evolved over the years as new technologies have become available. Currently, lasers seem attractive as a treatment modality, but their effectiveness needs to be verified. The purpose of this project was to evaluate Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure ® (LANAP ® ) surgery as a single treatment modality.
As part of a mandatory training program for periodontists and other dentists, 22 consecutive patients diagnosed with moderate to severe periodontitis (probing depth [PD] up to 11 mm) were treated with the LANAP ® surgical approach using a 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser as part of a multi-step protocol. Following single-session active therapy, they were entered into a maintenance program. Their clinical status was re-evaluated at 12–18 months following surgery.
All 22 patients completed the 12- to 18-month follow-up. PD, clinical attachment level, and furcation (FURC) showed substantial improvement. Recession was minimal (mean, 0.1 mm), while 93.5% of PD measurements were 3 mm or less at re-evaluation. Furthermore, 40% of grade 2 FURC closed clinically.
Within the limits of this case series, LANAP ® was found to be an effective, minimally invasive, laser surgical therapy for moderate to advanced periodontitis.


Laser; Periodontitis; Surgery
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