Prog Med Phys.  2024 Jun;35(2):36-44. 10.14316/pmp.2024.35.2.36.

Dosimetric Evaluations of HyperArc and RapidArc in Stereotactic Radiosurgery for a Single Brain Metastasis

  • 1Department of Radiation Oncology, Veterans Health Service Medical Center, Seoul, Korea


This study assessed and compared the dosimetric performance of HyperArc and RapidArc in stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for a single brain metastasis.
Twenty patients with intracranial brain metastases, each presenting a distinct target volume, were retrospectively selected. Subsequently, volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plans were designed using RapidArc (VMATRA ) and HyperArc (VMATHA ) for each patient. For planning comparisons, dose-volumetric histogram (DVH) parameters for planning target volumes (PTVs) and normal brain regions were computed across all VMAT plans. Subsequently, their total monitor units (MUs), total beam-on times, and modulation complexity scores for the VMAT (MCSv ) were compared. A statistical test was used to evaluate the dosimetric disparities in the DVH parameters, total MUs, total beam-on times, and MCSv between the MATHA and VMAT sub>RA plans.
For the PTVs, VMATHA presented a higher homogeneity index (HI) than VMAT RA . Moreover, VMATHA presented significantly smaller gradient index (GI) values (P<0.001) than VMATRA . Thus, VMATHA demonstrated better performance in the DVH parameters for the PTV than VMATRA . For normal brain tissues, VMATHA presented lower volume receiving 50% of the prescription dose and V 2Gy to the normal brain tissues than VMATRA (P<0.0001). While the total MUs required for VMATHA was significantly higher than those for VMATRA , the total beam-on time for VMATHA was superior to that for VMATRA .
Thus, VMATHA exhibited superior performance in achieving rapid dose fall-offs (as indicated by the GI) and a higher HI at the PTV compared to VMATRA in brain SRS. This advancement positions HyperArc as a significant development in the field of radiation therapy, offering optimized treatment outcomes for brain SRS.


HyperArc; Stereotactic radiosurgery; Brain metastasis; Volumetric modulated arc therapy; Dosimetric comparison


  • Fig. 1 Representative dose distributions of brain stereotactic radiosurgery cases (patient #3 and #14): Dose distributions of volumetric modulated arc therapy plans created using RapidArc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMATRA) (a) and HyperArc (VMATHA) (b) for patient #3. Dose distributions of VMATRA (c) and VMATHA (d) for patient #14. Doses are depicted by color wash with 2 Gy (the lowest dose) in blue and 30 Gy (the highest dose) in red.

  • Fig. 2 Representative dose-volumetric histograms of brain stereotactic radiosurgery cases (patient #3 and #14). Volumetric modulated arc therapy plans generated using RapidArc (RA) (a) and HyperArc (HA) (b) plotted using solid and dashed lines, respectively, for the planning target volume (PTV) and normal brain.



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