Kosin Med J.  2024 Mar;39(1):60-65. 10.7180/kmj.23.118.

Primary gastric leiomyosarcoma: a case report and literature review

  • 1Department of Radiology, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea


After separating gastrointestinal (GI) stromal tumors from true smooth muscle tumors of the GI tract, leiomyosarcoma (LMS) of the GI tract has become a rare tumor. Gastric LMS is extremely rare and accounts for 0.1% of all cases of LMS in the GI tract. There are few English-language reports of gastric LMS describing radiologic findings. Here, we report a case of gastric LMS and review the recent literature focusing on radiologic findings. An 80-year-old female patient was referred for evaluation of a gastric mass accompanied by severe anemia. The physical examination revealed no specific findings except for an anemic conjunctiva. Laboratory data showed a low hemoglobin level of 5.1 g/dL. Endoscopy revealed a huge subepithelial mass in the posterior wall of the gastric body. Contrast-enhanced computed tomographic images showed an intraluminal protruding enhancing mass with an internal stalk appearance in the gastric body. There was no internal necrosis or calcification. The patient underwent subtotal gastrectomy and was diagnosed with primary gastric LMS. The diagnosis of gastric LMS is challenging due to its rarity. Our case report suggests that the presence of an internal stalk or spouting appearance can help prompt the radiologist to consider gastric LMS in the differential diagnosis.


Case reports; Leiomyosarcoma; Multidetector computed tomography; Stomach neoplasm


  • Fig. 1. Gastroduodenoscopy demonstrates a huge intraluminal mass with erosion and ulcers, measuring approximately 11 cm in diameter, in the posterior wall of the gastric body (A, B). Mucosal gastric folds surrounding the lesion are present.

  • Fig. 2. Axial pre-contrast (A) and contrast-enhanced (B) computed tomography scans show an intraluminal, protruding, lobulating, enhancing mass arising from the posterior wall of the gastric body. On the pre-contrast scan (A), there is no visible calcification or necrotic component. An internal stalk-like appearance (arrows) is noted on enhanced axial (B), coronal (C), and sagittal (D) images.

  • Fig. 3. A gross examination of the stomach revealed a yellowish gray ulcerofungating mass measuring 11.0×8.5 cm. The cut surface of the mass showed an internal stalk.

  • Fig. 4. (A) Photomicrography shows proliferation of spindle cells with high cellularity and mitotic count (hematoxylin and eosin stain, ×200). (B) Immunohistochemical staining for desmin and smooth muscle actin shows diffuse and strong positivity (×200). The tumor cells are negative for c-kit, CD34, DOG-1, and S-100.

  • Fig. 5. Follow-up axial (A) and coronal (B) abdominopelvic computed tomography taken 7 years after surgery shows no evidence of recurrence or metastasis.



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