Korean J Med.  2024 Jun;99(3):145-148. 10.3904/kjm.2024.99.3.145.

Clinical Significance and Interpretation of Allergen-Specific IgE Testing in Regard to Food Allergy

  • 1Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea


Food allergy is an adverse reaction that occurs after ingesting food and is caused by an aberrant immune response. Taking a detailed medical history is the most important part of diagnosing food allergies. When an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated food allergy is suspected, food-specific IgE testing can confirm the diagnosis. Allergen skin-prick tests or serum tests for specific IgE should be considered as the first line of testing, and depending on the offending food, a further prick-to-prick test with fresh food or a component-resolved diagnostic test may be helpful. Interpretation of the results should be based on the patient’s medical history.


Food hypersensitivity; Allergens; Immunoglobulin E; 식품 알레르기; 알레르겐; 면역글로불린 E
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