Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg.  2024 May;28(2):214-219. 10.14701/ahbps.23-168.

Laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy in difficult gallbladder: Our experience in a tertiary care center

  • 1Department of Surgical Gastroenterology and HPB Unit, National Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, NIMS University, Jaipur, India


Open cholecystectomy is becoming obsolete and laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the treatment of choice in gallstone diseases. Difficult gallbladders are encountered whenever there is a frozen calot’s triangle, obliterated cystic plate, or both. Rather than converting to open procedure, there has been a growing preference for laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy (LSC) during difficult gallbladders. This study aimed to assess the advantages, indications, and viability of LSC in difficult gallbladders.
The study included patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy in NIMS Hospital, Jaipur, from January 2021 to January 2023. Data of the patients who underwent LSC for difficult gallbladders included demographics, comorbidities, operative time, conversion to open cholecystectomy, length of hospital stay, and complications. LSC was classified into three types depending on the part of the gallbladder remnant.
A total of 728 patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Among them, 41 patients (5.6%) were attempted for LSC. However, one patient was converted to an open procedure and the rest 40 underwent LSC. LSC was divided into 3 types, 4 patients underwent LSC type I, 34 patients underwent type II, and 2 patients type III. The average operating time and postoperative length of hospital stay were 86.2 minutes and 2.1 days, respectively. Two patients had surgical site infection. No patient had a bile leak and none required intensive care unit care.
LSC is a safe and feasible option for use in difficult gallbladders.


Gallbladder diseases; Laparoscopy; Cholecystectomy; Subtotal cholecystectomy; Difficult gallbladder


  • Fig. 1 Age distribution of patients who underwent laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy (LSC) and laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC).

  • Fig. 2 Distribution of comorbidities among patients who underwent laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy (LSC) and laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC).

  • Fig. 3 Comparison of the operative parameters among the three types of laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy (LSC).



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