Clin Ultrasound.  2021 Nov;6(2):35-42. 10.18525/cu.2021.6.2.35.

Clinical Application of Automated Breast Ultrasound

  • 1Department of Radiology, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea


Automatic breast ultrasound (ABUS) has been developed to compensate for the shortcomings of hand-held ultrasound (HHUS) and is mainly used for breast cancer screening purposes in women with dense breasts. Since 2021, ABUS has been covered by the Korean National Health Insurance System. It is important to scan the entire breast on ABUS and to identify the poor-quality images requiring re-scanning. In addition, a general understanding of the unique ABUS display mode, distinguishing benign from malignant lesions, the diagnostic performance of breast cancer screening, and the application of computer-aided detection/diagnosis systems is necessary to use ABUS efficiently. This review explores the acquisition method, image quality, and image characteristics of ABUS to improve general understanding of this procedure and its advantages over HHUS, so that ABUS can be applied efficiently in clinical practice.


초음파; 유방종양; 판독; 암 조기 발견; 컴퓨터 보조 진단; Ultrasonography; Breast neoplasms; Early detection of cancer; Diagnosis, Computer-aided
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