J Cerebrovasc Endovasc Neurosurg.  2024 Mar;26(1):51-57. 10.7461/jcen.2023.E2022.11.003.

Internal maxillary artery (IMax) – middle cerebral artery bypass in a patient with bilateral atherosclerotic carotid occlusion: A technical case report

  • 1Vascular Neurosurgery Department, National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery “Manuel Velasco Suárez”, Mexico City, Mexico


Since the first description of the possible utilization of the internal maxillary artery for bypass surgery, there are some reports of its use in aneurysm cases; however, there is no information about the possible advantages of this type of bypass for cerebral ischemic disease. We present a 77-year-old man with a history of diabetes, hypertension, systemic atherosclerosis, and two acute myocardial infarctions with left hemiparesis. Imaging studies reported total occlusion of the right internal carotid artery and 75% occlusion on the left side, with an old opercular infarction and repeated transient ischemic attacks in the right middle cerebral artery territory despite medical treatment. After a consensus, we decided to perform a bypass from the internal maxillary artery to the M2 segment of the middle cerebral artery using a radial artery graft. After performing the proximal anastomosis, the calculated graft’s free flow was 216 ml/min. Subsequently, after completing the bypass, the patency was confirmed with fluorescein videoangiography and intraoperative Doppler. Postoperatively, imaging studies showed improvement in the perfusion values and the hemiparesis from 3/5 to 4+/5. The patient was discharged one week after the operation, with a modified Rankin scale of 1, without added deficits. The use of revascularization techniques in steno-occlusive disease indicates a select group of patients that may benefit from this procedure. In addition, internal maxillary artery bypass has provided a safe option for large areas of ischemia that cannot be supplied with a superficial temporal artery - middle cerebral artery bypass.


Cerebral revascularization; Maxillary artery; Brain ischemia; Carotid artery stenoses; Carotid atherosclerosis; IMax bypass


  • Fig. 1. Imaging studies. (A-C) Preoperative time to peak (TTP), mean transit time (MTT), and regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) perfusion MRI shows low perfusion in the right hemisphere. (D) MRI shows an area of a previous infarction in the right opercular area. (E-G) Postoperative TTP, MTT, and rCBV perfusion image without areas of hypoperfusion. (H) CT-angio shows the IMax-radial artery graft (RAG) end-to-end anastomosis (yellow arrow) and the end-to-side M2 anastomosis (white arrow). CT-angio, computed tomography angiography; IMax, internal maxillary artery

  • Fig. 2. Illustrative case. (A) Surgical planning for a pterional and transzygomatic approach. (B and C) Incision and dissection of the radial artery. (D) IMax to radial artery graft end-to-end anastomosis. (E) Radial artery to M2 end-to-side anastomosis. (F) Intraoperative fluorescein video angiography shows the IMax-M2 anastomosis with radial artery graft (white arrows) with adequate perfusion of the cerebral hemisphere. IMax, internal maxillary artery

  • Fig. 3. Sagittal view shows the IMax-radial artery graft (RAG) end-to-end anastomosis (yellow arrow) and the end-to-side M2 anastomosis (white arrow). IMax, internal maxillary artery


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