J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci.  2024 Feb;40(1):1-12. 10.14368/jdras.2024.40.1.1.

Effect of calcium silicate-based sealer to bone tissue of mandible of rats

  • 1Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
  • 2Department of Anatomy, College of Dentistry, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea


To histologically evaluate the effects of three calcium silicate-based sealers on rat mandible tissue.
Materials and Methods
Rats were randomly divided as follows: A group that sacrificed immediately after cavity preparation, a group that sacri-ficed two weeks after cavity preparation, a group that sacrificed two weeks after CeraSeal (CS), AH Plus Bioceramic (AHB), or OneFil (OF) sealer injection, respectively. After tissue processing for all groups, the bone tissue area (%) and the number of osteoclasts in and around the cavity were measured under a microscope. The results of each group were compared and statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test.
The formation of bone tissue and the presence of osteoclasts in the cav-ity were observed in the group that sacrificed two weeks after cavity preparation and the group sacrificed two weeks after AHB seal-er injection, and these groups showed significantly higher average bone tissue area (%) than the other groups. In the other groups, no inflammation or foreign body reaction occurred in the cavity, and no osteoclasts were observed.
All calcium silicatebased sealers used in this study showed a favorable bone tissue response when injected into the rat mandible. In particular, higher bone formation in the cavity was observed in AHB.


bone regeneration; bone tissue area; calcium silicate-based sealer; osteoclast


  • Fig. 1 Determination of cavity location and confirmation of the prepared cavity and injected sealer. (A) Digital radiography and crosssectional micro-CT image of the rat mandible through the first or second molar as indicated by the red lines (Bagi, 2011).24 Semicircles surrounded by a solid red line represent the location of the cavities. Three cavities were prepared within a slightly wider range than between the lines. (B) The photo of left mandible of the rat. Three cavities and the sealer filling them are observed (yellow arrow). (C) Digital radiography taken after sacrifice of the rats to confirm the cavity location and sealer injection.

  • Fig. 2 H&E stained histological section of the rat mandibles of immediately after cavity preparation (A), two weeks after cavity preparation (B), two weeks after cavity preparation and CeraSeal injection (C), two weeks after cavity preparation and AH Plus Bioceramic injection (D), two weeks after cavity preparation and One-Fil injection (E) groups. The cavities are observed at the inferior border of the bone in each section. The scale bar = 500 μm.

  • Fig. 3 H&E stained histological section of the rat mandibles immediately obtained after cavity preparation (A), two weeks after cavity preparation (B), two weeks after cavity preparation and CeraSeal injection (C), two weeks after cavity preparation and AH Plus Bioceramic injection (D), two weeks after cavity preparation and One-Fil injection (E) groups. The scale bar = 200 μm.

  • Fig. 4 TRAP stained histological section of the rat mandibles immediately obtained after cavity preparation (A), two weeks after cavity preparation (B), two weeks after cavity preparation and CeraSeal injection (C), two weeks after cavity preparation and AH Plus Bioceramic injection (D), two weeks after cavity preparation and One-Fil injection (E) groups. TRAPpositive osteoclasts appearing red are observed. The scale bar represents 200 μm.



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