J Korean Diabetes.  2023 Dec;24(4):214-220. 10.4093/jkd.2023.24.4.214.

Daily Life Management Guidelines for Diabetic Foot Patients

  • 1Diabetic Foot Clinic, Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea


Diabetic foot ulcers are a significant complication of diabetes, often leading to hospitalization and, in severe cases, lower limb amputation, causing substantial medical costs and reduced quality of life. Approximately 15% of diabetic patients develop foot ulcers, with 15% of these cases progressing to amputation, highlighting the critical need for foot care in diabetes management. These ulcers have a high mortality rate and a high likelihood of recurrence, highlighting the need for both blood sugar control and foot care. In South Korea, around 2.9% of diabetic patients over the age of 20 were diagnosed with diabetic foot ulcers in 2011, affecting approximately 100,000 individuals. Globally, about one-third of diabetic patients will experience foot ulcers in their lifetime, with a high recurrence rate. Diabetic foot ulcers are prone to infections, potentially leading to amputation or even death, emphasizing the importance of prevention and proper treatment. Educating patients with diabetic foot ulcer about foot care can significantly enhance their knowledge and performance in caring for their feet, including the use of moisturizers. Providing specific and practical foot care instructions is crucial to improve self-foot care practices and to minimize the risk of complications.


Diabetic foot; Foot care education; Foot ulcer; Guideline


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