Korean J Sports Med.  2023 Dec;41(4):207-215. 10.5763/kjsm.2023.41.4.207.

Analysis of Hip Joint Muscle Activity and Lower Extremity Kinematic Depending on Mulligan Knee Taping Application during Single Leg Squat

  • 1Department of Smart Healthcare, Marine Sports Major, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
  • 2Department of Physical Therapy, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Yangsan, Korea


This study was aimed to identify the effect of Mulligan knee taping (MKT) application on the hip joint muscle activity and lower extremity kinematic during single leg squat.
Twenty healthy male partisipants, aged between 19 and 29 years, were measured for hip joint muscle activity, medial knee displacement, and hip adduction angles according to the application of MKT. In single leg squat, the eccentric, isometric, and concentric contraction phases were performed until the knee flexed at a depth of 60°. The muscle activity (unit, %MVIC) of hip joints in each phase and the medial knee displacement (unit, cm) and hip adduction angle (unit, °) were analyzed before and after the application of MKT during single leg squat. All measurements were performed with the dominant leg, and the order of MKT and non-taping was randomly determined by drawing lots.
During single leg squat, the muscle activity of the gluteus maximus muscle in the eccentric and isometric contraction phases significantly increased when MKT was applied than when non-taping (p=0.048 and p=0.012, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference between the muscle activity of other lower extremity muscles and the medial knee displacement and hip adduction angle (p> 0.05).
It was confirmed that the activity of the gluteus maximus muscle increased in the case where single leg squat was performed after applying MKT, compared to the case where it was performed without application. Therefore, MKT application is recommended to increase the muscle activity of the gluteus maximus during single leg squat.


Genu valgum; Electromyography; Kinematics


  • Fig. 1 Single leg squat: Mulligan knee taping (A) and non-taping (B).

  • Fig. 2 Lower limb marker set.

  • Fig. 3 Single leg sqat initial position (A), knee displacment (B), and hip adduction angle (C).

  • Fig. 4 Maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Gluteus maximu (A), gluteus medius (B), tensor fascia late (C), and adductor longus (D).

  • Fig. 5 The Mulligan knee taping technique.


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