J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs.  2023 May;30(2):259-270. 10.7739/jkafn.2022.30.2.259.

Influences of COVID-19 Knowledge, eHealth Literacy, COVID-19 Literacy, and Social Support on COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors among Foreign Students in Korea

  • 1Graduate Student, College of Nursing, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea
  • 2Professor, College of Nursing, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea


This study was conducted to identify the factors affecting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) preventive behaviors among foreign students in Korea.
The study administered a descriptive cross-sectional survey to 201 foreign students. Data were collected from June 25 to July 6, 2022 using self-report structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics and hierarchical regression analysis with SPSS for Windows version 27.0.
The participants were from China (n=58) or Vietnam (n=143), with a mean age of 22.28 years (SD=2.25 years) and length of stay in Korea of 13.94 months (SD=9.12 months). COVID-19 preventive behaviors were significantly different based on participants’ nationality (t=-3.31, p=.001), gender (t=2.05, p=.042), education level (t=-2.41, p=.017), and perceived health status (t=-4.46, p<.001), and were significantly correlated with COVID-19 knowledge (r=.17, p=.016), eHealth literacy (r=.33, p<.001), COVID-19 literacy (r=.22, p=.001), and social support (r=.26, p<.001). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis with those aforementioned variables explained approximately 16% of the variance in preventive behaviors.
Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to find ways to improve eHealth literacy in order to create a safe environment for foreign students in Korea during outbreaks of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.


COVID-19; Information literacy; Knowledge; Social support; Students; 코로나19, 정보이해력 , 지식 , 사회적 지지 , 학생
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