J Korean Acad Oral Health.  2022 Sep;46(3):142-146. 10.11149/jkaoh.2022.46.3.142.

The effects of dental hygiene student’s adult attachment style and social support on adaptation to college life

  • 1Department of Dental Hygiene, Daejeon Health Institute of Technology, Daejeon, Korea


This study aims to seek positive measures for students in a dental hygiene program to adapt well to college life by analyzing the effects of their adult attachment styles and social support on their adaptation to college life.
Data were collected from June 1 to August 30, 2021. It was conducted with a self administered questionnaire. In consideration of the dropout rate, the study recruited 200 participants. Data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 22.0.
Regarding correlations with adaptation to college life, the analysis revealed positive correlations for adult attachment styles and social support. Significant correlations were seen in the following factors affecting adaptation to college life: satisfaction with college life_dummy 2, satisfaction with major_dummy 1, and adult attachment styles. The factor with the strongest effect (35.7%) on adaptation to college life was adult attachment styles.
Factors affecting college life adaptation were found to affect college life adaptation as college life satisfaction, major satisfaction, and adult attachment type increased. System support is needed to develop a counseling program tailored to college life by adult attachment type to increase college life satisfaction and major satisfaction.


Adult attachment styles; College life adaptation; Social support



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