J Adv Prosthodont.  2021 Apr;13(2):107-116. 10.4047/jap.2021.13.2.107.

Effects of inter-implant distance on the accuracy of intraoral scanner: An in vitro study

  • 1Dental Implant Center, Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 2Master of Science Program in Implant Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 3Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand


. Several studies focused on the accuracy of intra-oral scanners in implant dentistry, but the data of inter-implant distances were not widely mentioned. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of distance between two implants on the surface distortion of scanned models generated by intra-oral scanners. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Three models with the distances between two fixed scan bodies of 7, 14, and 21 mm were fabricated and scanned with a highly precise D900L dental laboratory scanner as reference models. Fifteen scans were performed with TRIOS3 and CEREC Omnicam intra-oral scanners. Trueness, precision, and angle deviation of the test models were analyzed (α=.05).
. There was a significant difference among inter-implant distances in both intraoral scanners (P <.001). The error of trueness and precision increased with the increasing inter-implant length, while the angle deviation did not show the same trend. A significant difference in the angle deviation was found among the inter-implant distance. The greatest angle deviation was reported in the 14-mm group of both scanners (P <.05). In contrast, the lowest angle deviation in the 21-mm group of the TR scanner and the 7-mm of the CR scanner was reported (P <.001). CONCLUSION. The inter-implant distance affected the accuracy of intra-oral scanner. The error of trueness and precision increased along with the increasing distance between two implants. However, the distortions were not clinically significant. Regarding angle deviation, the clinically significant angle deviation may be possible when using intra-oral scanners in the partially edentulous arch.


Inter-implant distance; Intraoral scanner; Trueness; Precision; Angle deviation
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