Korean J Sports Med.  2020 Dec;38(4):234-237. 10.5763/kjsm.2020.38.4.234.

Compressive Neuropathy of the Deep Motor Branch of the Ulnar Nerve in Amateur Cyclist

  • 1Department of Orthopaedics, Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 2Department of Orthopaedics, Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Korea


A 36-year-old female amateur cyclist developed mononeuropathy of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve due to nerve compression adjacent to the ulnar tunnel (type II Guyon’s canal syndrome) caused by prolonged bicycle riding. The patient’s signs and symptoms persisted even after refraining from cycling for 4 weeks; thus, she underwent decompression of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve in the palm and wrist. Three months postoperation, she recovered nearly full power and function of her left hand.


Cyclist palsy; Motor branch of ulnar nerve; Type II Guyon’s canal syndrome


  • Fig. 1 Clinical photography showing the hypotrophy of the first dorsal interosseous muscle (arrow) of the left hand.

  • Fig. 2 Ultrasonography showing the larger diameter of the ulnar nerve motor branch (circles) of the left hand than the right hand (left side arrow), underneath the fibrotic fascial band of hypothenar muscle (asterisks). (A) Right wrist. (B) Left wrist.

  • Fig. 3 (A) An intraoperative view of the thickened hypothenar muscle (asterisk) compressing the deep motor branch of ulnar nerve. (B) After releasing the hypothenar muscle (asterisk) fascia, the motor branch of ulnar nerve (arrow) can be found.

  • Fig. 4 Clinical photography at 3 months postoperation showing recovery of the first dorsal interosseous muscle (arrow) on the left hand.


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