Korean J Adult Nurs.  2020 Oct;32(5):515-525. 10.7475/kjan.2020.32.5.515.

Effects of a Repeated Hemodialysis Diet Education Program for Older Adults

  • 1Unit Manager, Department of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital, Bucheon, Korea
  • 2Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, KyungIn Women’s University, Incheon, Korea


The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of a repeated hemodialysis diet education program on dietary knowledge, dietary self-care compliance, and physiological indices in older adults on hemodialysis.
This study employed a non-equivalent control group pre-post repeated measures design. Based on Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve, the experimental group received diet education four times. Data were analyzed by the x 2 -test, t-test, and Fisher’s exact test. A repeated measures ANOVA was used for hypothesis testing.
There were statistically significant between-groups differences in dietary knowledge by time of assessment, within group differences by time of assessment, and interactions between group and time. Regarding dietary self-care compliance, there were significant within-group differences by time of assessment and interactions between group and time. There were significant within-group changes in inter-dialytic weight gain by time of assessment. For the physiological indices, blood sodium and albumin showed significant within-group changes by time of assessment. Phosphorus and blood urea nitrogen scores showed significant within-group changes. For blood potassium concentration, there was a significant difference in interactions between group and time.
Owing to the resulting improvements in dietary knowledge and self-care compliance, the repeated education program applied in this study can be used as a preventive measure for complications in older adults on hemodialysis.


Older adults; Renal dialysis; Diet; Knowledge; Compliance
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